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Monthly Archives: July 2023


What Parents Should Know About the Changes to Florida’s Paternity Laws (More Protections for Unwed Fathers)

By Gale H. Moore |

As reported by Florida Politics, Governor Ron DeSantis signed House Bill 775 (HB 775) into law earlier this year. The legislation—which reforms Florida Statute 742—has major implications for the determination of parentage (paternity) cases. HB 775 officially took effect in the state on July 1st, 2023—meaning it is now active law. Here, our Clearwater… Read More »

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Your Guide to Florida’s 2023 Alimony Reform (Permanent Alimony Ending)

By Gale H. Moore |

According to a report from CBS News, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 1416 (SB 1416) into law. It is a comprehensive reform package that, among other things, effectively ends permanent alimony in Florida. The bill has major implications for people in our state. Within this blog post, our Clearwater spousal support attorney… Read More »

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Four Key Considerations that Should Be Addressed as Part of a Child Support Case in Florida

By Gale H. Moore |

A divorce or separation in Pinellas County is never easy—especially for parents of a young child. A wide range of family law issues need to be addressed, including child support obligations. Child support cases can be complicated. It is best to be as detail-focused as possible when going through the process. Here, our Clearwater… Read More »

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Can You Get Your Former Name Restored After a Divorce in Florida?

By Gale H. Moore |

Divorce is complicated. There are so many legal, logistical, and highly personal issues that need to be addressed and resolved—potentially including a name. According to data cited by Forbes Magazine, a significant number of married women who opt to change their name prefer to restore their maiden name after a divorce. Florida has specialized… Read More »

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