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My Spouse Wants a Divorce but I Do Not—What Happens Now?

By Gale H. Moore |

Is your spouse considering/preparing to file for divorce in Florida? If you do not want to get a divorce, you probably have a lot of questions about your legal options. At the Law Office of Gale H. Moore P.A., we are a family law firm that helps clients protect their rights and secure their… Read More »

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Child Custody in Florida: Is a 50/50 Split of Time Automatic?

By Gale H. Moore |

Are you a divorced or separated parent in Florida? You may be wondering: Does the state have an automatic 50/50 split of time for child custody? The short answer is “no”—while state policy strongly favors shared parental custody and now presumes an equal time-sharing arrangement, a 50/50 time-sharing split is by no means automatic… Read More »

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My Ex is Still Trying to Take My Stuff After a Divorce—What Options Do I Have Available

By Gale H. Moore |

Are you dealing with some issues with your former spouse after the finalization of a divorce? You may be wondering what options you have available if your ex is still trying to take your stuff after a divorce has already been settled/finalized. At the Law Office of Gale H. Moore P.A., we help people… Read More »

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Preparing to Mediate a Child Custody Dispute in Florida? Five Tips to Help You Prepare

By Gale H. Moore |

For parents of young kids who are separated, divorced, or will be in the near future, working out a custody agreement can be challenging. Mediation can be a great tool for parents to find a solution in a low-conflict atmosphere. To get the most out of mediation, you need to be well-prepared. At the… Read More »

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Do We Share a Lawyer During a Collaborative Divorce in Florida?

By Gale H. Moore |

While going through a divorce is always challenging, it does not have to be a nasty fight. Florida’s collaborative law process is designed to help couples resolve their issues in a confidential, non-combative manner. You may be wondering: Will we share a lawyer during a collaborative divorce? The answer is “no”—but you will share… Read More »

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Getting Divorced in Florida? Your Guide to Handling Your Vehicles

By Gale H. Moore |

According to data from Forbes Magazine, approximately 90 percent of U.S. households have at least one vehicle and 22 percent of households have three or more vehicles. If you are getting divorced in Florida, you are going to need to figure out what will happen to all of your property—including your vehicle(s). Here, our… Read More »

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Can a Court in Florida Require Divorce Mediation?

By Gale H. Moore |

Are you preparing for a divorce in Florida? You probably have a lot of questions about what you can expect from the process. A common question: Are we required to try mediation for our divorce? While Florida law technically does not require mediation, Pinellas County has a standing order in place that requires most… Read More »

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Asset Tracing and Divorce in Florida: What is it is and Why it Might Be Needed

By Gale H. Moore |

Are you getting a divorce in Pinellas County? It is imperative that you have all of the financial information that you need to protect your rights and your interests. Your spouse has an obligation to make full and comprehensive financial disclosures. Unfortunately, in some cases, people try to hide property. This is where asset… Read More »

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Clearing Up Four Misconceptions About Collaborative Divorce in Florida

By Gale H. Moore |

Going through a divorce in Pinellas County? You may be considering using the collaborative law process. Under Florida law (Florida Statutes §61.56(3)), collaborative law is “a process intended to resolve a collaborative matter without intervention” from a traditional court. It can be a great option for many divorcing couples. At the Law Office of… Read More »

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When Will a Court Order an Unequal Division of Property in a High Net Worth Divorce Case in Florida?

By Gale H. Moore |

Getting a divorce is hard—and can be even more so if you are part of a high income and/or high asset couple. The greater your net-worth, the greater the risk that a deep dispute arises over property division. In Florida, a court could award an unequal distribution of assets in a divorce case if… Read More »

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